July 30, 2021
Recently neurophysiologists have discovered a third type of receptor in our sight apparatus. This discovery has brought into play yet another factor to be taken into consideration when designing lighting fixtures, namely the biological, non–visual factor.
This so-called "third eye" is not involved in the formation of images, but is responsible for the proper functioning of our circadian rhythm. Our vital functions are closely linked to our circadian rhythm and to coordinated release of hormones that regulate not only the wake-sleep cycle, but also other equally important life cycles, such as those that regulate body temperature, changes in heart frequency, digestion, etc. Thus, they indirectly affect our mental state.
This synchronisation is triggered by natural light that, as we all know, varies continuously throughout the day and shows such dynamic features as to represent the point of reference as well as the challenge that lighting technology is currently addressing.
One must consider other forces as well, such as the psychological and visual ones, that support or contrast our natural cognitive inclinations and contribute to the definition of a more precise pattern for our physical and, most importantly, mental states.
The consideration of the biological aspects of light, in addition to the more traditional and well–known emotional factors, significantly enhances the lamp’s level of quality. Smart Light control allows to form healthy habits.