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Sept. 1, 2022


The interior of Grace boutique bistro near Patriarch's Ponds was created by Natalia Belonogova, and its cuisine was developed by Vladimir Chistyakov's BURO. TSUM team. GRACE bistro unites the trendy atmosphere of Patriarch's Ponds district and the charm of Parisian brasseries to create a gracious bistro. It is pleasant to have breakfast, convenient for lunch and leaves you wanting to come back for dinner.

GRACE means elegance. This word also describes the interior by Natalia Belonogova's NB Studio. It is filled with light, exquisite details and signature designer solutions. Architectural lighting at the restaurant is created with CENTRSVET luminaires.

"GRACE is filled with light! I am often told that my restaurants are dark. But why don't we let people enjoy this saturated multidimensional lighting? The atmosphere in the evening is so much cozier when there are candles and backlight. My favorite trick is lighting up the table and leaving everything else in semi-darkness. The atmosphere is beautiful! You only see what is in front of you, and everything else is in the shadow. Like on Rembrandt's paintings: only the essential is highlighted: the table, food, and people's faces," – says Natalia Belonogova.

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Grace boutique bistro

The interior of Grace boutique bistro near Patriarch's Ponds was created by Natalia Belonogova, and its cuisine was developed by Vladimir Chistyakov's BURO.

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«My favorite trick is lighting up the table and leaving everything else in semi-darkness. The atmosphere is beautiful!» – says Natalia Belonogova.